15 February 2014

A Pride Forgiveness

In this life you learn from your mistakes. Sometimes you learn it in easy way or learn it too late. I've been thinking about forgiveness a lot lately. Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them. 
But sometimes someone's doesn't deserve to be forgiven. I don't know if i'll ever able to. You keep give,give and give love to people around you without you knew that your life in hell and not eceiving any love in return. The feeling of betrayed, anger mixed with sadness, mixed with deep hurt, and intermingled somewhere in there are feelings of love . Strange feelings to have all at once.

I remember thinking that I knew what forgiveness was. Someone hurts you and then they say i'm sorry, and then you say forgive them and then it's over . Kind of. But kind of not. Because forgiveness is not that.

You'll feel better if you forgive. It's really for you. But it's not for you. It's a gift you gift to others because of the gift given to you. You make a decision and you make a choice to absorb the cost of that forgiveness.But this doesn't mean that you don't feel hurt anymore. It doesn't mean you're done processing. This is the beginning. This is a great start.

mak kita mintak maaf selfie cenggini..

Me in instagram >>> AfiqVolaris

8 February 2014

Resipi Cheesecake Borio Ariana Rose

Nama resipi nak letup. Mestilah kena letup, kalau tak letup jangan berani buka blog ni. Why bother.! Why bother.! Why bother katanyer Azwan Ali. Kali ni nak up satu resipi simple and mudah untuk siapa yang chesse lover kat luar tu. Simple sangat resipi ni. 10 minit buat je lepas tu boleh menelan kek tersebut sambil menonton Ariana Rose bersama yang tersayang.

Ok la ni resipi dan bahan-bahan nak buat cheesecake Ariana Rose. Actually I tak tengok pun Arian Rose ni tapi kat twitter hari-hari diorang update Ariana Rose. Macam best je. Tapi citer ni dah habis kot rasanya. Nanti nak gi download. Kalau tak best macam citer Love You Mr. Arrogant tu aku bakar twitter.

Bahan-bahan cheesecake :
1- 100 gm tepung gandum
2- 70 gm mentega cair
3- 100 gm gula pasir
4- 5 biji putih telur
5- 250 gm cream cheese Philadephia
6- 200 ml susu segar

Cara-cara nak buat cheesecake ni

Cairkan mentega dengan suhu angin bayu laut. Slow-slow je tau.

Lepas tu amik mangkuk cangini kan then bubuh tepung gandum,gula,marjerin yang dah dicairkan tadi  dengan putih telur. Pukul pakai mixer tu sampai lunyai dan tak terdaya lagi. Lepas tu amik cream cheesee dengan susu segar tu masukkan dalam bancuhan tadi. Pukul lagi sampai putih cantik gebu macam Ariana Rose.

Haaaa nak tahu kenapa kek ni dipanggil Borio. Ni bukan typo ke apa eyh. Ni sebab kat Mesir ni ada biskut seakan-akan Oreo tapi lagi sedap dan murah dari Oreo jadi I pakai biskut Borio ni. Murah pun murah. Sedap pun sedap tak terkata. 

Then ko amik loyang untuk membakar tu sapukan dengan merjerin. Layerkan sesikit je. Jangan banyak-banyak nanti berminyak-minyak cheescake tu kang. Lepas tu hancurkan biskut Borio tu buat base dia. Lenyek-lenyek and mampat-mampatkan biskut tu kat base loyang tu. Nanti cheesecake korang ranggup krup krap krup karkp bila masuk dalam mulut tu.

Tuangkan adunan yang dah mix tadi dalam loyang tu. Haaa cengini la putih gebu rupa dia macam Ariana Rose. Tak gituwww. Lepas tu bakar dalam oven pakai suhu 160 degree selama 45 minit. Jangan pakai suhu bilik plak.

Taraaaa.!!! bajet suprise gituwwww. Ni la hasilnya cheesecake Arianna Rose. Lepas tu potong kecik-kecik masuk bawak bekal gi sekolah sambil makan dalam lecture hall masa doctor tengah mengajar memang nak kena terajang ngan doctor kan. Tapi doktor I sporting belaka. 

Ok tu je nak share. Kalau siapa nak mecuba sila cuba. Risiko sakit perut ke apa ke tu tanggung sendiri ye. K. Bye